For Time Series Prediction problems, in the Fitness
Function Tab of the Settings
Panel you have access to 36 built-in fitness
functions. Additionally, you can also design your own
custom fitness function and explore the solution space with it.
By choosing Custom in the Fitness Function box, the custom fitness
editor is activated.
You can design your own
custom fitness function using the Custom Fitness Function window to write the code of your fitness function. The code for the custom fitness function must be in JavaScript and can be tested before evolving a model with
it by pressing the Test button.
The 36 built-in fitness functions of GeneXproTools 4.0 for Time Series Prediction:
The kind of fitness function you choose will depend most probably on the statistical function you are most familiar with. And although there is nothing wrong with this for all of them can accomplish an efficient evolution, you might want to try different fitness functions for they travel the fitness landscape differently: some of them very straightforwardly in their pursuits while others choose less obvious paths.