GeneXproTools Editions

Converting APS 3.0 Runs
Converting APS 3.0 runs is easy: you just have to open them with GeneXproTools 4.0 and they are automatically converted. There are, however, a few points you must be aware of:

First, there are new parameters in GeneXproTools 4.0, such as program size, number of literals, and used variables, that were not available in APS 3.0. You will notice that these parameters are set to zero in the Run Panel, but they have all been evaluated for all the models in the run history and are correctly shown in the History of the Report Panel.

Second, for Classification problems GeneXproTools 4.0 shows and keeps the classification accuracy of all the models in the History Panel, whereas in APS 3.0 the values of R-square were shown instead. So, you will have to update the classification accuracies both on the training and testing sets in the History Panel by pressing the Refresh All button.

Third, GeneXproTools 4.0 has several new fitness functions for Classification problems (Hits with Penalty, Accuracy, Squared Accuracy, SSPN, and Correlation Coefficient), but the old Number of Hits fitness function has now a slightly different implementation. In the old version, there was a minimum requirement for viability that required the number of hits to be greater than the number of samples in the predominant class, whereas in the new Number of Hits there is no penalty and the fitness corresponds exactly to the number of hits (as you have already guessed, the new Hits with Penalty fitness function, although slightly different from the old Number of Hits, imposes the limit for viability).

Fourth, GeneXproTools 4.0 has a total of 279 built-in functions and comparison rules compared to just 70 in APS 3.0. So, new naming conventions were required to accommodate all the new comparison rules. GeneXproTools takes care of all the conversions but you just must be aware that their representation in Karva notation has changed.

And finally, functions Acsc, Asec, and Acot are implemented differently in version 4.0. If any of these functions is part of your old models you must implement it as a DDF and then, in the Change Seed Window, replace its symbol by the corresponding DDF. You can use the JavaScript code below to implement the old Acsc, Asec, and Acot functions as DDFs:

      function aps3Acsc(x)
            var varSign = 0;
            if (x < 0) 
                  varSign = -1;
                  if (x > 0)
                        varSign = 1;
                        varSign = 0;
            return Math.atan(x/Math.sqrt(x*x-1))+(varSign-1)*(2*Math.atan(1));

      function aps3Asec(x)
            var varSign = 0;
            if (x < 0) 
                  varSign = -1;
                  if (x > 0)
                        varSign = 1;
                        varSign = 0;
            return Math.atan(x/Math.sqrt(x*x-1))+varSign*(2*Math.atan(1));

      function aps3Acot(x)
            return Math.atan(x)+2*Math.atan(1);

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