The Testing Query Window gives access to the following
settings and features:

Use Testing Set
Check this box if you want to use a testing set to evaluate the generalizing capabilities of your models.
Lists all the tables in the current database.
Independent Variables
Lists all the columns in the selected table. Check the columns that
will form the testing set.
Dependent Variable
Lists all the columns in the selected table. Choose one column to be
used as the dependent variable.
Number of records to retrieve from the table. The maximum number of
records allowed in APS 3.0 is 5,000.
Use Labels
Uses the table column names to identify the variables.
Refreshes the columns' lists.
Clears all the values.
Opens the Help File.
Cancels all the action on the creation of a new run.
Takes you to the previous window of the New Run Wizard.
Takes you to the next window of the New Run Wizard.