General Settings
This is the list of settings that can be changed using the job files (settings node) in GeneXproServer 5.0.
The values in the key columns are the identifiers that must be used in the "key" attribute of the setting node.
Note that not all settings' values are checked by GeneXproServer. It is advisable to test the values in GeneXproTools before using them in GeneXproServer.
Key | Data Type | Definition |
Population Size and Model Structure |
Chromosomes |
int positive [1 4096] |
Number of Chromosomes |
HeadSize |
int positive [1 256] |
Head Size |
Genes |
int positive [1 64] |
Number of Genes |
LinkingFunction |
List |
Linking Function |
Sampling |
TrainingRecords |
int positive |
Size of the Training Set |
TrainingSamplingType |
int positive [0 10] |
Sampling Type for the Training Set |
ValidationRecords |
int positive |
Size of the Validation Set |
TestingSamplingType |
int positive [0 10] |
Sampling Type for the Validation Set |
MiniBatchMode |
[0 1] |
Turn on Mini Batch |
MiniBatchModePeriod |
int |
Mini Batch Period value |
Rounding Threshold |
RoundingThresholdType |
List |
Rounding Threshold Type |
RoundingThreshold |
float |
Rounding Threshold Value |
LogisticRoundingThresholdBins |
int |
Number of Bins (Logistic Rounding Threshold) |
Simple Model (Fitness Function) |
SimpleModel |
List |
Fitness Function Reference Simple Model |
PredictorVariable |
variable index |
Predictor Variable Index |
Structure Pressure
(Fitness Function) |
SetParsimonyPressure |
[0 1] |
Turn on Parsimony Pressure |
ParsimonyPressureRate |
positive float [0 1] |
Parsimony Pressure Rate |
SetVariablePressure |
[0 1] |
Turn on Variable Pressure |
VariablePressureRate |
positive float [0 1] |
Variable Pressure Rate |
Fitness Function |
FitnessFunction |
List |
Fitness Function |
CostGainFN |
float negative |
False Negative Cost |
CostGainFP |
float negative |
False Positive Cost |
CostGainTN |
float |
True Negative Cost |
CostGainTP |
float |
True Positive Cost |
Increment |
float |
Increment Value |
InnerMargin |
float |
Inner Margin Value |
OuterMargin |
float |
Outer Margin Value |
Reward |
float positive |
Reward Value |
Punishment |
float |
Punishment Value |
SelectionRange |
float |
Selection Range Value |
Precision |
float |
Precision Value |
Beta |
float positive |
Beta Value (F Measure Fitness) |
LowerBound |
float |
Lower Bound |
UpperBound |
float |
Upper Bound |
Bins |
int |
Number of Bins (Fitness Functions) |
Custom Fitness |
CustomFitnessFunction |
string |
Custom Fitness Function Code |
CustomFitnessTimeout |
seconds |
Custom Fitness Timeout Value |
Complexity Increase |
SetComplexityIncrease |
[0 1] |
Turn on Complexity Increase |
ComplexityIncreaseNumberOfTries |
int positive [1 32767] |
Number of Tries |
ComplexityIncreaseGenerationsWithoutChange |
int positive [1 32767] |
Number of Generations without Change |
ComplexityIncreaseMaxComplexity |
genes [1 64] |
Maximum Complexity Value |
Time Series Transformation |
TimeSeriesDelayTime |
int positive |
Delay Time Value |
TimeSeriesEmbeddingDimension |
int positive |
Embedding Dimension Value |
TimeSeriesTestingPredictions |
int positive |
Number of Testing Predictions |
Change Prediction Mode |
-- |
-- |
Random Numerical Constants |
UseRNC |
[0 1] |
Turn on Random Constants |
ConstantsPerGene |
int positive [1 100] |
Number of Random Constants per Gene |
DataTypeRNC |
List |
Random Constants Data Type (float/integer) |
UpperBoundRNC |
float |
Random Constants Upper Bound |
LowerBoundRNC |
float |
Random Constants Lower Bound |
Genetic Operators |
BestCloningRate |
positive float [0 1] |
Best Cloning Rate |
BiasedLeafMutationRate |
positive float [0 1] |
Biased Leaf Mutation Rate |
BiasedMutationRate |
positive float [0 1] |
Biased Mutation Rate |
ConservativeFunctionMutationRate |
positive float [0 1] |
Conservative Function Mutation Rate |
ConservativeMutationRate |
positive float [0 1] |
Conservative Mutation Rate |
ConservativePermutationRate |
positive float [0 1] |
Conservative Permutation Rate |
FunctionInsertionRate |
positive float [0 1] |
Function Insertion Rate |
GeneRecRate |
positive float [0 1] |
Gene Recombination Rate |
GeneTranspRate |
positive float [0 1] |
Gene Transposition Rate |
ISRate |
positive float [0 1] |
IS Transposition Rate |
InversionRate |
positive float [0 1] |
Inversion Rate |
LeafMutationRate |
positive float [0 1] |
Leaf Mutation Rate |
MutationRate |
positive float [0 1] |
Mutation Rate |
OnePointRecRate |
positive float [0 1] |
One Point Recombination Rate |
PermutationRate |
positive float [0 1] |
Permutation Rate |
RISRate |
positive float [0 1] |
RIS Transposition Rate |
RandomChromosomesRate |
positive float [0 1] |
Random Chromosomes Rate |
RandomCloningRate |
positive float [0 1] |
Random Cloning Rate |
StumblingMutationRate |
positive float [0 1] |
Stumbling Mutation Rate |
TailInversionRate |
positive float [0 1] |
Tail Inversion Rate |
TailMutationRate |
positive float [0 1] |
Tail Mutation Rate |
TwoPointRecRate |
positive float [0 1] |
Two Point Recombination Rate |
UniformGeneRecombinationRate |
positive float [0 1] |
Uniform Gene Recombination Rate |
UniformRecombinationRate |
positive float [0 1] |
Uniform Recombination Rate |
Genetic Operators - Random Constants |
ConstantFineTuningRateRNC |
positive float [0 1] |
Constant Fine Tuning Rate |
ConstantInsertionRateRNC |
positive float [0 1] |
Constant Insertion Rate |
ConstantRangeFindingRateRNC |
positive float [0 1] |
Constant Range Finding Rate |
PermutationDcRateRNC |
positive float [0 1] |
Dc Permutation Rate |
DcInversionRateRNC |
positive float [0 1] |
Dc Inversion Rate |
DcMutationRateRNC |
positive float [0 1] |
Dc Mutation Rate |
DcTranspRateRNC |
positive float [0 1] |
Dc Transposition Rate |
MutationRateRNC |
positive float [0 1] |
RNC Mutation Rate |
Other Settings |
Author |
string |
Author's Name |
Comments |
string |
Run Comments |
UseUDFs |
[0 1] |
Turn on UDFs |
FavoriteStatistic |
List |
Set Favorite Statistic |
Math &
Boolean Functions |
-- |
-- |
Linking Functions
The table below lists the values that can be used for the setting LinkingFunction.
For example, the code below sets the Linking Function to
<setting key='LinkingFunction' value='1'/>
Linking Function | Value |
Mathematical Linking Functions |
Addition | 0 |
Subtraction | 1 |
Multiplication | 2 |
Division | 3 |
Avg2 | 98 |
Min | 92 |
Max | 95 |
Boolean Linking Functions |
AND | 10001 |
OR | 10002 |
NAND | 10003 |
NOR | 10004 |
OR | 10005 |
NXOR | 10006 |
Less Than | 10022 |
Greater Than | 10023 |
Less Or Equal | 10024 |
Greater Or Equal | 10025 |
Simple Models (Fitness Functions)
The table below lists the values that can be used for the setting
For example, the code below sets the
SimpleModel to
Average Simple Model:
<setting key='SimpleModel' value='1'/>
And the code below shows how to set the
PredictorVariable to d1 for the
SimpleModel Predictor Variable:
<setting key='SimpleModel' value='3'/>
<setting key='PredictorVariable' value='1'/>
Simple Model | Value |
Classification, Logistic Regression, Regression & Time Series Prediction |
Target Average | 0 |
Target Midrange | 4 |
Target Median | 5 |
Average Simple Model | 1 |
Random Target Output | 2 |
Predictor Variable | 3 |
Logic Synthesis |
Target Majority | 6 |
Majority Simple Model | 7 |
Random Target Output | 2 |
Predictor Variable | 3 |
Rounding Threshold Types
The table below lists the values that can be used for the setting
RoundingThresholdType. For example,
the code below sets the Rounding Threshold Type to
<setting key='RoundingThresholdType' value='2'/>
Rounding Threshold Type | Value |
User Defined | 0 |
ROC | 1 |
Average | 2 |
Midrange | 3 |
Midhinge | 4 |
Class Proportions | 5 |
Active Model | 6 |
RMS | 7 |
Interdecile Mean | 8 |
Interquartile Mean | 9 |
Trimean | 10 |
Logistic | 11 |
Large Margin | 13 |
Fitness Functions
The table below lists the values that can be used for the setting
FitnessFunction. For example,
the code below sets the Fitness Function to Absolute
Hits with RRSE:
<setting key='FitnessFunction' value='120'/>
Fitness Function | Value |
Regression & Time Series Prediction |
Relative Hits with RMSE | 116 |
Relative Hits with RRSE | 117 |
Relative Hits with RRSE 2 | 118 |
Absolute Hits with RMSE | 119 |
Absolute Hits with RRSE | 120 |
Absolute Hits with RRSE 2 | 121 |
Relative Error with SR | 0 |
Relative Error/Hits | 1 |
Absolute Error with SR | 2 |
Absolute Error/Hits | 3 |
Trends with Punishment | 79 |
Bounded Trends | 86 |
Trends R2 with Punishment | 103 |
Bounded Trends R2 | 104 |
MSE | 5 |
RMSE | 6 |
MAE | 7 |
RSE | 8 |
RRSE | 9 |
RAE | 10 |
RSE 2 | 95 |
RRSE 2 | 96 |
RAE 2 | 97 |
Weighted MSE | 80 |
Weighted RMSE | 81 |
Weighted MAE | 82 |
Weighted RSE | 83 |
Weighted RRSE | 84 |
Weighted RAE | 85 |
Weighted RSE 2 | 98 |
Weighted RRSE 2 | 99 |
Weighted RAE 2 | 100 |
Enhanced MSE | 28 |
Enhanced MAE | 30 |
Enhanced RSE | 31 |
Enhanced RAE | 33 |
Enhanced RSE 2 | 101 |
Enhanced RAE 2 | 102 |
Quantile MSE | 87 |
Quantile RMSE | 88 |
Quantile MAE | 89 |
Quantile RSE | 90 |
Quantile RRSE | 91 |
Quantile RAE | 92 |
R-square | 4 |
Bounded R-square | 29 |
Positive Correl | 26 |
Bounded Positive Correl | 32 |
Unsupervised Free-form Features | 128 |
Custom | 13 |
Classification |
ROC Measure | 71 |
Bounded ROC | 72 |
ROC with MSE | 73 |
Rank Measure | 74 |
Bounded Rank | 75 |
Rank with MSE | 76 |
Maximum Likelihood | 112 |
Hinge Loss | 124 |
Logistic RMSE | 113 |
Dual Margin | 24 |
Margin with Penalty | 25 |
Triple Margin | 49 |
Bounded Triple Margin | 50 |
Enhanced Triple Margin | 51 |
Bounded Enhanced Triple Margin | 52 |
Entropy | 17 |
Entropy with MSE | 65 |
Purity | 20 |
Purity with MSE | 66 |
Positive Correl | 15 |
Positive Correl with MSE | 77 |
Bounded Positive Correl | 27 |
Class Variation | 126 |
MSE | 53 |
RMSE | 54 |
MAE | 55 |
RSE | 56 |
RRSE | 57 |
RAE | 58 |
RSE 2 | 105 |
RRSE 2 | 106 |
RAE 2 | 107 |
Enhanced MSE | 16 |
Enhanced MAE | 18 |
Enhanced RSE | 19 |
Enhanced RAE | 21 |
Enhanced RSE 2 | 108 |
Enhanced RAE 2 | 109 |
Hits with Punishment | 11 |
Cost/Gain Matrix | 23 |
Sensitivity/Specificity | 12 |
PPV/NPV | 14 |
SSPN | 22 |
F Measure | 122 |
Jaccard Similarity | 93 |
Matthews Correl | 67 |
Matthews Correl with MSE | 68 |
False Balance | 129 |
Enhanced False Balance | 130 |
Relative False Balance | 131 |
Enhanced Relative False Balance | 132 |
Unsupervised Free-form Features | 127 |
Custom | 13 |
Logistic Regression |
ROC Measure | 71 |
Bounded ROC | 72 |
ROC with MSE | 73 |
Symmetric ROC | 69 |
Bounded Symmetric ROC | 70 |
Rank Measure | 74 |
Bounded Rank | 75 |
Rank with MSE | 76 |
Quantile Spread | 61 |
Bounded Quantile Spread | 62 |
Quantile Spread with MSE | 63 |
Maximum Likelihood | 114 |
Hinge Loss | 125 |
Logistic RMSE | 115 |
Dual Margin | 24 |
Margin with Penalty | 25 |
Triple Margin | 49 |
Bounded Triple Margin | 50 |
Enhanced Triple Margin | 51 |
Bounded Enhanced Triple Margin | 52 |
Entropy | 17 |
Entropy with MSE | 65 |
Purity | 20 |
Purity with MSE | 66 |
R-square | 59 |
Bounded R-square | 60 |
Positive Correl | 15 |
Positive Correl with MSE | 77 |
Bounded Positive Correl | 27 |
Class Variation | 126 |
MSE | 53 |
RMSE | 54 |
MAE | 55 |
RSE | 56 |
RRSE | 57 |
RAE | 58 |
RSE 2 | 105 |
RRSE 2 | 106 |
RAE 2 | 107 |
Enhanced MSE | 16 |
Enhanced MAE | 18 |
Enhanced RSE | 19 |
Enhanced RAE | 21 |
Enhanced RSE 2 | 108 |
Enhanced RAE 2 | 109 |
Hits with Punishment | 11 |
Cost/Gain Matrix | 23 |
Sensitivity/Specificity | 12 |
PPV/NPV | 14 |
SSPN | 22 |
F Measure | 122 |
Jaccard Similarity | 93 |
Matthews Correl | 67 |
Matthews Correl with MSE | 68 |
False Balance | 129 |
Enhanced False Balance | 130 |
Relative False Balance | 131 |
Enhanced Relative False Balance | 132 |
Unsupervised Free-form Features | 127 |
Custom | 13 |
Logic Synthesis |
Hits with Punishment | 34 |
Cost/Gain Matrix | 35 |
Sensitivity/Specificity | 40 |
PPV/NPV | 41 |
SSPN | 42 |
F Measure | 123 |
Jaccard Similarity | 94 |
Matthews Correl | 44 |
Matthews Correl with MSE | 64 |
Entropy | 36 |
Entropy with MSE | 38 |
Purity | 37 |
Purity with MSE | 39 |
Positive Correl | 43 |
Positive Correl with MSE | 78 |
Enhanced MSE | 45 |
Enhanced MAE | 46 |
Enhanced RSE | 47 |
Enhanced RAE | 48 |
Enhanced RSE 2 | 110 |
Enhanced RAE 2 | 111 |
Custom | 13 |
Random Numerical Constants Type
The table below lists the values that can be used for the setting
DataTypeRNC. For example,
the code below sets the Random Numerical Constants Type
to Floating-Point values:
<setting key='DataTypeRNC' value='1'/>
Data Type | Value |
Integer | 0 |
Floating-Point | 1 |
Favorite Statistics
The table below lists the values that can be used for the setting
FavoriteStatistic. For example,
the code below sets the Favorite Statistic to RMSE:
<setting key='FavoriteStatistic' value='17'/>
Statistic | Value |
Regression & Time Series Prediction |
MSE | 16 |
RMSE | 17 |
MAE | 18 |
RSE | 20 |
RRSE | 21 |
RAE | 19 |
Correlation Coefficient | 22 |
R-square | 2 |
Outliers | 15 |
Hits | 37 |
Up/Down Accuracy | 40 |
Up/Down Error | 41 |
Up/Down Hits | 42 |
Up/Down Errors | 43 |
& Logistic Regression |
Accuracy | 5 |
Error | 6 |
Hits | 38 |
Errors | 39 |
Sensitivity | 7 |
Specificity | 8 |
Positive Predictive Value | 9 |
Negative Predictive Value | 10 |
Recall | 33 |
Precision | 34 |
F1 Measure | 35 |
Jaccard Similarity | 31 |
Matthews Correlation Coefficient | 32 |
Pearson Correlation Coefficient | 22 |
R-square | 2 |
Area Under the ROC Curve | 36 |
MSE | 16 |
RMSE | 17 |
MAE | 18 |
RSE | 20 |
RRSE | 21 |
RAE | 19 |
Logic Synthesis |
Accuracy | 5 |
Error | 6 |
Hits | 38 |
Errors | 39 |
Sensitivity | 7 |
Specificity | 8 |
Positive Predictive Value | 9 |
Negative Predictive Value | 10 |
Recall | 33 |
Precision | 34 |
F1 Measure | 35 |
Jaccard Similarity | 31 |
Matthews Correlation Coefficient | 32 |
Pearson Correlation Coefficient | 22 |
R-square | 2 |
MSE | 16 |
RMSE | 17 |
MAE | 18 |
RSE | 20 |
RRSE | 21 |
RAE | 19 |
See Also:
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