Gene Expression Programming
Logistic Regression Analytics Platform
The Release 2 of GeneXproTools 4.0 introduces a powerful Logistic Regression Framework.
This new framework builds on the models GeneXproTools generates with its evolutionary
algorithms and then applies the canonical logistic regression technique to estimate probabilities for each
model score.
The Logistic Regression Framework includes tools for Quantile Analysis and Regression, ROC Curve
and Cutoff Points analyses, Gains and Lift charts, Logistic Regression and Logistic Fit,
and both tabular and stacked Confusion Matrixes.
Unlimited records
This version of GeneXproTools can process an unlimited number of
records. In practice this means that you can
create models using several dozens of thousands records thus increasing the level of trust of the models by
exposing them to a large set of cases. This is valid for all editions of GeneXproTools and applies to training data,
testing data and scoring data. GeneXproTools can easily handle a few million cells of data with much improved
data load times and a new more compact file format.
Unlimited variables
All GeneXproTools 4.0 editions have an expanded number of variables (when compared
with APS 3.0) and the new Enterprise Edition supports an unlimited number of variables.
This is especially useful for the classification of DNA Microarrays, for example.
GeneXproTools produces excellent models in a few seconds or minutes using sets well in
excess of 25,000 variables on any modern desktop computer. This new capability provides
very interesting possibilities in the realms of data filtering and feature selection.
More variables
The Standard Edition of GeneXproTools 4.0 was expanded from 5
independent variables to 16, whereas the Advanced Edition was
expanded from 20 to 64 independent variables. Furthermore, a
new Academic Enterprise supporting unlimited variables is also available.
New Logic Synthesis algorithm
Brand new implementation of gene expression programming for Logic Synthesis
problems suitable for the optimization and size reduction of complex logic circuits.
The code generation includes two specialty languages (VHDL and Verilog) using six different
logical systems: All Gates, Not-And-Or gates, Nand gates, Nor gates,
Mux System, and Reed-Muller system.
Faster Custom Fitness
A complete rewrite of the Custom Fitness now opens new possibilities for the implementation
of more complex functions. The new implementation removes most of the overhead caused by the
data transfer into the scripting environment and introduces new features that allow your fitness
functions to influence the size and contents of the models.
Several new fitness functions
There are now in GeneXproTools 4.0 36 built-in fitness functions for
Function Finding and Time Series Prediction and 30 for Classification
and Logic Synthesis. This enlarged spectrum of fitness functions allows you
to judge your models using the measures you are most comfortable working with.
Most standard statistical measures are covered and for each of them there is a
counterpart with parsimony pressure. The new functions also allow the exploration
of different fitness landscapes increasing the chance of finding an excellent model for your problem.
More than 200 new functions
A much larger pool of operations are now accessible to your models including dozens of
new functions and an expanded section of decision rules with 2-4 arguments.
The new Logic Synthesis algorithm includes all the one and two argument logical
functions and dozens of rules with three and four arguments including
dozens of interesting Universal Logical Modules.
The User Defined Functions and Dynamically Defined Functions also benefited
from the new script environment with noticeable increases in performance.
The new Functions panel includes random function selection, function search and blanket weight changes.
Function selection facility
The Function Selection facility of GeneXproTools 4.0 allows
you to experiment with different function sets very quickly
either by pressing the Random button or by selecting certain sub-sets of functions.
Automatic function weighting
New algorithm that dynamically adjusts the number of functions to the data environment
compensating for very wide datasets. Coupled with finer adjustments at the function level
through individual function weighting this feature simplifies the selection of appropriate
function sets and provides better defaults for generic model creation.
Model Simplification
New optimization mode that reduces the size of a model while improving
its accuracy at the same time. The Simplify Method reduces the redundancy
in the model to an absolute minimum creating very lean models that are easier
to study and less computer intensive in production environments. When used with
Logic Synthesis it reduces the number of gates needed for the logic circuit,
reducing costs and memory footprint.
Excel files support
Easier data access with direct connections to Excel files and an enhanced
column manipulation that is also used for database access.
New Scoring panel
The new Scoring panel replaces the scoring screen in APS 3.0 and adds easier
text data access and improved database and Excel files feature selection.
Also new in this panel is the preview window that simplifies small scoring
operations and provides feedback on data correctness from inside GeneXproTools.
Eight new languages
The models created by GeneXproTools can be translated into as many as
16 programming languages (Ada, C, C++, C#, Fortran, Java, Java Script,
Matlab, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, Visual Basic, VB.Net, Verilog, and VHDL)
including specialty languages like VHDL and Verilog and languages relevant
to the bio-informatics field like Perl and Python and the simulation fields
like Ada. The model’s code is also improved reducing the amount of code you must
add to use the model in production environments.
Spectacular new Run panel
The new charts provide invaluable information about the model and an insight
into the algorithm inner workings. The charts show what variables are being
used and which have a heavier weight, the model’s size and its tendency over
time and the exciting new curve-fitting chart shows how the models are fitting the data.
Also new are charts with the size of each sub-program and the total program size
and charts with the sizes and fitness of all the models.
Completely redesigned user interface
A new and fresh look with improved access to all the areas of GeneXproTools and more
navigation and organization options including a fully customizable toolbar. The wizards
benefited from simplification and a reduction in the number of steps to create a new run
and many new useful features were introduced at the panel level to help with the day-to-day operations.
Improved visualization tools
This version includes brand new target/model comparison plots for Classification
problems and new chart types in the Results/Predictions panel for all categories. The Data
panel is especially reformatted to improve visualization and the new and more
scalable grid includes column selection tools for feature extraction especially
useful for DNA microarrays studies.
Time Limited Trial
Try GeneXproTools for free for 30 days!
Academic licenses of all GeneXproTools editions
are available at a discount for education institutions
& students.
Bundles of GeneXproTools & GeneXproServer are available at a discount price
for all editions of GeneXproTools, including academic editions.
Subscribe to the GEP-List
"Finally, a world class user interface in the field of genetic programming and
evolutionary computation !! GeneXproTools is simply unrivaled in its marvelous
user interface, the breadth of its Fitness Functions, the choice and flexibility
in Math and Logic functions, the clarity of its final Model Presentation,
and a built in panel for Scoring new data, right inside the interface.
This kind of functionality and ease of use has never been seen before
in the field of Genetic Programming. Additionally, Dr Ferreira's specific methodology
of Gene Expression Programming makes important contributions to the field of
evolutionary computation, and the various algorithms she has developed and
deployed inside of GeneXproTools are brilliantly conceived, and her methodologies
evolve highly predictive models that solve real business problems. GeneXproTools
is an extraordinary structural tour de force."
Brian C. Watt, CRM
Chief Risk Officer / Chief Financial Officer
"I have been using GeneXproTools against a variety of drug research
related problems and have found the GUI to be readily-usable and well-attuned
to the stages of predictive modeling..."
Steven J Barrett, Ph.D
Principal Scientist New Applications Team
Data Exploration Sciences
"Gene Expression Programming, combined with GeneXproTools,
allow us here at Mercator GeoSystems to explore new and exciting
methods for spatially modelling the relationship between a company's outlets
and their customers. The GeneXproTools software is simple to use, well-designed and
very flexible. In particular the ability to load training data from a database,
and the option to create models in the programming language of our choice,
really make this product stand out. Product support is excellent and very
responsive - heartily recommended!"
Steve Hall
Mercator GeoSystems Ltd
United Kingdom
"As a professional software developer, I could have attempted
to read up on all the latest developments in the field of
evolutionary programming and start writing my own modeling tools.
One look at the GeneXproTools demo, however, was enough to convince me
of the absurdity of that thought. Not only does GeneXproTools have
all the power that I would ever need, but it also allows me to customize
all parts of the modeling process. I don't have to know the first thing
about evolutionary algorithms and yet I can write my own grammars or
fitness functions if I wanted to. It is obvious that a huge amount of work
went into the making of GeneXproTools, and I am now a very happy customer.
Keep up the great work, Gepsoft!"
Glenn Lewis
Software developer, USA
"I've been working as a coastal engineer and mathematical modeler for more than
10 years and now I'm using GeneXproTools to discover complex nonlinear relations
that exist in hydraulic and wave processes. For example, GeneXproTools recently
helped me establish several explicit approximations to the Wave Dispersion Equation
and now with the new version, which allows more independent
variables, fitness functions and unlimited records, I plan to develop my own formulae
to evaluate the wave overtopping of breakwaters and seawalls. Thanks Gepsoft for
providing such an exciting, creative and useful software tool to the scientific community."
Ricardo Carvalho
PROMAN - Centro de Estudos & Projectos, SA
Lisbon, Portugal
"GeneXproTools is being used to look at problems involving parasite populations,
where the data is highly skewed. The results using GeneXproTools are considerably
better than those obtained using conventional statistics."
Prof John Barrett
Head of the
Parasitology Group
University of Wales, UK
"We are using GeneXproTools for modeling the rainfall-runoff process and time series forecasting.
GeneXproTools has a nice graphical user interface system and a lot of flexibility in choosing
the type of input file. Configuring the problem setup, running and visualizing the
graphical outputs with GeneXproTools is indeed user friendly. Being able to get the final model
in the languages of our choice makes GeneXproTools stand out from other packages."
Professor S. Mohan
Professor & Head of the Department
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras