APS Editions

The demo of APS 3.0 allows you to experiment with your own data, and, therefore, evaluate the modeling capabilities of this software. However, with the Demo version you are neither able to see the formulas of the evolved models nor scoring them to make predictions. Furthermore, despite allowing the use of a testing set to evaluate the generalizing capabilities of the evolved models, the Demo does not show the tables and charts with the outputs on the testing set. However, all the statistical functions used by APS to evaluate the performance of the evolved models are available and fully functional.

In addition, the Demo of APS comes with a gallery of sample problems for which all the features of APS (code generation, visualization of parse trees, scoring, etc.) are accessible as long as the original training set or time series are not changed. A note of warning, though: even after unlocking the Demo with a commercial or academic license, these sample runs will still behave in Demo mode if you try to change the original datasets (you'll have to extract the datasets from these runs and create a new run with them).

Download the demo at:


To uninstall the demo of APS choose "Uninstall Automatic Problem Solver 3.0" at Start->Programs->Automatic Problem Solver 3.0. All the files in the APS directory will be removed except the files created by the user.

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