The Database Window gives access to the following
settings and features:

Lists all the DSNs registered in the local computer.
Scoring Table/View
Lists all Tables and Views accessible through the selected DSN.
User ID
Username when needed.
Username password when needed.
Use Labels
Include the Table or View column names in the output file.
Independent Variables
Lists all the columns of the selected Table or View. To use a
column for scoring, select it and press the top arrow button. To
remove one column from the selected columns (in the rightmost list)
press the second button from the top. The two bottom buttons can be
used to change the order of the columns selected for scoring.
Output File Frame
In the Output File Frame you enter all the information
concerning the output file. In the combo box you must choose the separator
you want to use in the output file (this is only relevant if you'd
choose to include the values of the independent
variables). Then, if you want to include the columns with all the independent variables in
the output file, you must check the Include Independent Variables box.
And finally, in the Output File Browser you must click the button in the right to
enter the Path for the output file.
Run Name
Shows the name of the run in which the scoring model was created.
Sample No
Gives the number of the sample being processed.
Gives the output obtained for the current sample.
Starts the scoring process.
Stops the scoring process.
Closes the scoring window.