The General Settings Tab gives access to the
following settings and features:

Training Samples
Number of samples used for training.
Reverts to the total number of training samples in your data.
Testing Samples
Number of samples used for evaluating the generalizing
capabilities of the evolved models.
Reverts to the total number of testing samples in your data.
Number of Chromosomes
Size of the population of models created each generation for breeding new ones.
Head Size
Size of the head of each gene. This parameter determines the upper limit for the size of the programs encoded in the gene.
Number of Genes
Number of genes per chromosome or, in other words, the number of complex terms in the evolving models.
Linking Function
Function used to link the different terms encoded in the genes of a model. You can choose either addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division to link the
sub-ETs of your models.
Enable Complexity Increase
Check this box if you wish to allow APS to automatically increase the number of genes in the evolving models.
Generations without Change
The period of time you think acceptable for evolution to occur
without improvement in best fitness, after which a mass extinction
is created or a neutral gene (an extra term) is automatically added
to all evolving models.
Number of Tries
The number of consecutive evolutionary epochs (defined by the
parameter Generations Without Change) you will allow before a
neutral gene is introduced in all evolving models.
Max. Complexity
The maximum number of terms (genes) you think reasonable for
modeling your data. Beyond this threshold no other terms are
introduced automatically by the Complexity Increase Engine and APS
stops evolving new models.