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Choosing the Degree of Genetic Modification
In the Settings Panel -> Genetic Operators you enter the rates for the set of genetic operators most commonly used in APS 3.0.

In case you are using random numerical constants you have also access to additional genetic operators especially designed to allow the efficient adaptation of the numerical constants used during the evolution of your models.

If you are not familiar with the power and the role of all these operators and if you are not sure which rates to use, please use the defaults for they work very well for all cases.

If you want to learn about their power and their role, you can choose different operators and different rates and then analyze their evolutionary dynamics in the plot shown in the Run Panel. Change also the fitness function and see how the evolutionary dynamics change.

And if you want to know the mechanisms of all the genetic operators of APS 3.0, you can find all about it in the chapter Genetic Operators.

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