In the Model Panel you can visualize the code of your model by choosing the language or representation into which you want it translated.

Automatic Problem Solver 3.0 comes equipped with eight built-in grammars (C, C++, C#, Visual Basic, VB.Net, Java, Java Script,
and Fortran) which allow the automatic translation of your models into the language of your choice. The code can then be saved and used in other applications.

If you happened to prefer another programming language into which to translate your models, APS 3.0 allows you to do that through the use of
User Defined Grammars. Then, using your grammar, APS 3.0 automatically translates your models into that particular language.
Extremely handy and popular is the diagram or tree representation of APS models as it allows the quick and complete understanding of their mathematical intricacies.

These trees can be copied and pasted into other applications or saved as bit map files.