Job 1.BreastCancer
Filename: 1.BreastCancer_000001.gep


Model Generation History Training Fitness Validation Fitness Training Accuracy Validation Accuracy Size Literals Variables
1 0 1 736.298152897013 882.377123717624 91.25% 95% 19 6 F4(1), F6(4), F8(1)
2 1 1 842.169014617352 863.511346049661 92.91% 94% 20 5 F1(3), F2(1), F6(1)
3 5 1 861.179618551805 922.204193709436 93.85% 97% 13 5 F1(1), F4(1), F6(1), F8(2)
4 6 1 869.492240568175 921.659543607648 94.33% 97% 20 5 F1(2), F2(2), F6(1)
5 7 1 874.593758117143 922.204193709436 94.56% 97% 13 5 F1(1), F4(1), F6(1), F8(2)
6 8 1 879.229530094331 863.787993643349 94.8% 94% 17 6 F3(1), F5(1), F7(1), F8(2), F9(1)
7 9 1 889.100700649335 903.22208994201 95.27% 96% 2 2 F1(1), F6(1)
8 85 1 893.460904297309 902.997426936518 95.51% 96% 8 5 F1(1), F5(1), F6(2), F8(1)
9 94 1 893.535791965807 922.466300549176 95.51% 97% 6 3 F1(1), F5(1), F6(1)
10 102 1 898.120658619272 922.466300549176 95.74% 97% 6 3 F1(1), F6(1), F8(1)
11 104 1 911.800370911173 922.391412880679 96.45% 97% 8 4 F1(1), F2(1), F6(1), F8(1)
12 137 1 916.255996313574 922.385436431765 96.69% 97% 7 3 F1(1), F6(1), F8(1)


Time Event
08/31/2013 19:28:45 Processing run 1...
08/31/2013 19:28:45 WARNING: Changing the setting Genes clears the history
08/31/2013 19:28:45 Applied setting Genes (2)
08/31/2013 19:28:45 Applied setting HeadSize (10)
08/31/2013 19:28:45 Applied setting MutationRate (0.02)
08/31/2013 19:28:45 Applied setting FitnessFunction (24)
08/31/2013 19:28:45 Applied setting SetParsimonyPressure (1)
08/31/2013 19:28:45 Added function Pow with weight 2.
08/31/2013 19:28:45 Loading data from file cancer_train.txt ...
08/31/2013 19:28:46 Loading data from database...
08/31/2013 19:28:46 Loading run file... C:\Users\ze\Documents\GeneXproServer 5 Samples\ComplexWorkflow\1.BreastCancer_1\1.BreastCancer_000001.gep
08/31/2013 19:28:46 Initializing run...
08/31/2013 19:28:46 Training Set size: 423
08/31/2013 19:28:47 Dataset loaded.
08/31/2013 19:28:47 Starting...
08/31/2013 19:28:47 Generation: 0 (736.298152897013, 91.25% (386))
08/31/2013 19:28:48 Generation: 196 (916.255996313574, 96.69% (409))
08/31/2013 19:28:49 Finished run.
08/31/2013 19:28:49 Models created: 12
08/31/2013 19:28:49 Models: 12
08/31/2013 19:28:49 Last Model: 12
08/31/2013 19:28:49 Generation: 137
08/31/2013 19:28:49 Training Fitness: 916.255996313574
08/31/2013 19:28:49 Training Accuracy: 96.69%
08/31/2013 19:28:49 Success
08/31/2013 19:28:49 Loading run file... C:\Users\ze\Documents\GeneXproServer 5 Samples\ComplexWorkflow\1.BreastCancer_1\1.BreastCancer_000001.gep
08/31/2013 19:28:49 Initializing tests for all models...
08/31/2013 19:28:49 Testing model 1 on the Validation Set with 100 records.............
08/31/2013 19:28:49 Testing model 2 on the Validation Set with 100 records.............
08/31/2013 19:28:49 Testing model 3 on the Validation Set with 100 records.............
08/31/2013 19:28:49 Testing model 4 on the Validation Set with 100 records.............
08/31/2013 19:28:49 Testing model 5 on the Validation Set with 100 records.............
08/31/2013 19:28:49 Testing model 6 on the Validation Set with 100 records.............
08/31/2013 19:28:49 Testing model 7 on the Validation Set with 100 records.............
08/31/2013 19:28:49 Testing model 8 on the Validation Set with 100 records.............
08/31/2013 19:28:50 Testing model 9 on the Validation Set with 100 records.............
08/31/2013 19:28:50 Testing model 10 on the Validation Set with 100 records.............
08/31/2013 19:28:50 Testing model 11 on the Validation Set with 100 records.............
08/31/2013 19:28:50 Testing model 12 on the Validation Set with 100 records.............
08/31/2013 19:28:50 Success

Filename: 1.BreastCancer_000002.gep


Model Generation History Training Fitness Validation Fitness Training Accuracy Validation Accuracy Size Literals Variables
1 0 1 959.738871307634 0 92.06% 0% 29 9 uniformity_cell_size(1), marginal_adhesion(2), single_epithelial_cell_size(2), bland_chromatin(1), normal_nucleoli(2), mitoses(1)
2 1 1 960.245231429757 0 91.63% 0% 29 8 uniformity_cell_size(1), uniformity_cell_shape(1), marginal_adhesion(2), single_epithelial_cell_size(2), normal_nucleoli(1), mitoses(1)
3 2 1 975.213704293065 0 94.42% 0% 40 16 clump_thickness(1), uniformity_cell_size(5), marginal_adhesion(2), single_epithelial_cell_size(3), bare_nuclei(2), mitoses(3)
4 8 1 983.434151719279 0 94.85% 0% 32 11 uniformity_cell_size(3), marginal_adhesion(1), single_epithelial_cell_size(2), bare_nuclei(3), mitoses(2)
5 9 1 984.415159683326 0 95.49% 0% 32 11 uniformity_cell_size(3), marginal_adhesion(1), single_epithelial_cell_size(1), bare_nuclei(3), mitoses(3)
6 10 1 985.653069019214 0 96.14% 0% 32 12 uniformity_cell_size(3), marginal_adhesion(1), single_epithelial_cell_size(1), bare_nuclei(4), bland_chromatin(1), mitoses(2)
7 15 1 986.323408387267 0 96.35% 0% 32 12 uniformity_cell_size(3), marginal_adhesion(1), single_epithelial_cell_size(1), bare_nuclei(4), bland_chromatin(1), mitoses(2)
8 20 1 986.615806048085 0 96.35% 0% 33 12 uniformity_cell_size(3), marginal_adhesion(1), single_epithelial_cell_size(1), bare_nuclei(4), bland_chromatin(1), mitoses(2)
9 69 1 987.191465902135 0 96.14% 0% 41 15 clump_thickness(1), uniformity_cell_size(4), marginal_adhesion(1), single_epithelial_cell_size(1), bare_nuclei(5), bland_chromatin(1), mitoses(2)
10 74 1 987.488186036919 0 96.35% 0% 41 15 clump_thickness(1), uniformity_cell_size(3), marginal_adhesion(1), single_epithelial_cell_size(1), bare_nuclei(6), normal_nucleoli(1), mitoses(2)
11 76 1 987.871431257432 0 96.35% 0% 32 12 clump_thickness(1), uniformity_cell_size(1), uniformity_cell_shape(1), marginal_adhesion(1), bare_nuclei(2), bland_chromatin(2), normal_nucleoli(2), mitoses(2)
12 77 1 988.047332343885 0 96.78% 0% 32 13 clump_thickness(1), uniformity_cell_size(1), uniformity_cell_shape(1), marginal_adhesion(2), bare_nuclei(3), bland_chromatin(2), normal_nucleoli(2), mitoses(1)
13 79 1 988.59482604292 0 96.78% 0% 32 13 clump_thickness(1), uniformity_cell_size(1), uniformity_cell_shape(2), marginal_adhesion(1), bare_nuclei(3), bland_chromatin(2), normal_nucleoli(2), mitoses(1)
14 84 1 989.13799726799 0 96.57% 0% 34 13 clump_thickness(2), uniformity_cell_size(1), uniformity_cell_shape(1), marginal_adhesion(1), bare_nuclei(3), bland_chromatin(2), normal_nucleoli(2), mitoses(1)
15 85 1 989.15424158248 0 96.57% 0% 38 14 clump_thickness(1), uniformity_cell_size(1), uniformity_cell_shape(1), marginal_adhesion(1), bare_nuclei(4), bland_chromatin(2), normal_nucleoli(3), mitoses(1)
16 91 1 989.18673021146 0 96.57% 0% 40 15 clump_thickness(1), uniformity_cell_size(1), uniformity_cell_shape(1), marginal_adhesion(2), bare_nuclei(4), bland_chromatin(2), normal_nucleoli(3), mitoses(1)
17 92 1 989.48623671918 0 96.35% 0% 41 15 clump_thickness(3), uniformity_cell_size(1), marginal_adhesion(1), bare_nuclei(3), bland_chromatin(1), normal_nucleoli(5), mitoses(1)
18 95 1 990.425130067004 0 97% 0% 40 13 clump_thickness(3), uniformity_cell_size(1), marginal_adhesion(1), bare_nuclei(2), normal_nucleoli(5), mitoses(1)
19 99 1 990.441374381494 0 97% 0% 41 13 clump_thickness(3), uniformity_cell_size(1), uniformity_cell_shape(1), marginal_adhesion(1), bare_nuclei(2), normal_nucleoli(5)
20 105 1 990.457618695983 0 97% 0% 41 14 clump_thickness(3), uniformity_cell_size(1), uniformity_cell_shape(1), marginal_adhesion(1), bare_nuclei(3), normal_nucleoli(5)
21 136 1 990.7127147342 0 97% 0% 40 13 clump_thickness(4), uniformity_cell_size(1), uniformity_cell_shape(2), marginal_adhesion(1), bare_nuclei(3), normal_nucleoli(2)
22 207 1 990.76144767767 0 97% 0% 40 14 clump_thickness(3), uniformity_cell_size(2), marginal_adhesion(2), bare_nuclei(5), normal_nucleoli(2)
23 275 1 990.858913564609 0 97% 0% 40 13 clump_thickness(4), uniformity_cell_size(1), marginal_adhesion(2), single_epithelial_cell_size(1), bare_nuclei(3), normal_nucleoli(2)
24 329 1 991.025679183474 0 97.21% 0% 40 15 clump_thickness(4), uniformity_cell_size(2), marginal_adhesion(2), single_epithelial_cell_size(1), bare_nuclei(4), normal_nucleoli(2)
25 374 1 991.090656441434 0 97.21% 0% 40 15 clump_thickness(4), uniformity_cell_size(2), marginal_adhesion(2), bare_nuclei(4), bland_chromatin(1), normal_nucleoli(2)
26 391 1 991.106900755924 0 97.21% 0% 40 15 clump_thickness(4), uniformity_cell_size(2), marginal_adhesion(1), bare_nuclei(4), bland_chromatin(1), normal_nucleoli(3)
27 430 1 991.123145070414 0 97.21% 0% 40 15 clump_thickness(3), uniformity_cell_size(2), marginal_adhesion(2), single_epithelial_cell_size(1), bare_nuclei(3), normal_nucleoli(3), mitoses(1)
28 459 1 991.139389384904 994.058586633711 97.21% 97.85% 40 14 clump_thickness(4), uniformity_cell_size(1), uniformity_cell_shape(1), marginal_adhesion(1), bare_nuclei(3), normal_nucleoli(3), mitoses(1)


Time Event
08/31/2013 19:28:45 Processing run 2...
08/31/2013 19:28:45 WARNING: Changing the setting Genes clears the history
08/31/2013 19:28:45 Applied setting Genes (5)
08/31/2013 19:28:45 Applied setting HeadSize (5)
08/31/2013 19:28:45 Loading run file... C:\Users\ze\Documents\GeneXproServer 5 Samples\ComplexWorkflow\1.BreastCancer_1\1.BreastCancer_000002.gep
08/31/2013 19:28:46 Initializing run...
08/31/2013 19:28:46 Training Set size: 466
08/31/2013 19:28:46 Dataset loaded.
08/31/2013 19:28:46 Starting...
08/31/2013 19:28:46 Generation: 0 (959.738871307634, 92.06% (429))
08/31/2013 19:28:48 Generation: 24 (986.615806048085, 96.35% (449))
08/31/2013 19:28:50 Generation: 52 (986.615806048085, 96.35% (449))
08/31/2013 19:28:52 Generation: 81 (988.59482604292, 96.78% (451))
08/31/2013 19:28:54 Generation: 111 (990.457618695983, 97.00% (452))
08/31/2013 19:28:56 Generation: 144 (990.7127147342, 97.00% (452))
08/31/2013 19:28:58 Generation: 176 (990.7127147342, 97.00% (452))
08/31/2013 19:29:00 Generation: 208 (990.76144767767, 97.00% (452))
08/31/2013 19:29:02 Generation: 238 (990.76144767767, 97.00% (452))
08/31/2013 19:29:04 Generation: 270 (990.76144767767, 97.00% (452))
08/31/2013 19:29:06 Generation: 301 (990.858913564609, 97.00% (452))
08/31/2013 19:29:08 Generation: 335 (991.025679183474, 97.21% (453))
08/31/2013 19:29:10 Generation: 369 (991.025679183474, 97.21% (453))
08/31/2013 19:29:12 Generation: 401 (991.106900755924, 97.21% (453))
08/31/2013 19:29:14 Generation: 434 (991.123145070414, 97.21% (453))
08/31/2013 19:29:16 Generation: 465 (991.139389384904, 97.21% (453))
08/31/2013 19:29:18 Generation: 496 (991.139389384904, 97.21% (453))
08/31/2013 19:29:18 Finished run.
08/31/2013 19:29:18 Models created: 28
08/31/2013 19:29:18 Models: 28
08/31/2013 19:29:18 Last Model: 28
08/31/2013 19:29:18 Generation: 459
08/31/2013 19:29:18 Training Fitness: 991.139389384904
08/31/2013 19:29:18 Training Accuracy: 97.21%
08/31/2013 19:29:18 Success
08/31/2013 19:29:18 Loading run file... C:\Users\ze\Documents\GeneXproServer 5 Samples\ComplexWorkflow\1.BreastCancer_1\1.BreastCancer_000002.gep
08/31/2013 19:29:18 Testing model 28 on the Validation Set with 233 records.............
08/31/2013 19:29:18 Success

Filename: 1.BreastCancer_000003.gep


Model Generation History Training Fitness Validation Fitness Training Accuracy Validation Accuracy Size Literals Variables
1 1117 1 993.825069331081 977.448691765183 98.28% 97.85% 51 17 d0(2), d2(2), d3(5), d4(3), d5(2), d7(1), d8(2)
2 948 2 993.410316520901 992.480417966935 97.85% 97.85% 52 21 d0(3), d1(2), d2(2), d3(2), d4(3), d5(3), d6(4), d7(1), d8(1)
3 1166 3 991.505409251614 993.274158473498 97.64% 98.28% 49 17 d0(3), d1(2), d3(3), d5(5), d7(2), d8(2)
4 2999 4 993.67022555274 994.983841195839 97.85% 98.28% 65 25 d0(4), d1(1), d2(3), d3(2), d4(1), d5(2), d6(4), d7(3), d8(5)
5 36668 5 994.287509503357 991.314764220231 97.85% 98.28% 66 23 d0(4), d1(4), d2(3), d3(3), d4(2), d5(2), d6(3), d7(1), d8(1)
6 2255 6 993.442805149881 992.169605581402 97.85% 98.28% 69 27 d0(5), d1(5), d2(1), d3(8), d4(1), d5(4), d8(3)
7 6497 7 994.730428468551 994.273830470436 98.07% 98.28% 67 20 d0(2), d1(2), d2(2), d3(5), d5(2), d6(1), d7(2), d8(4)
8 0 8 956.533333333333 0 83.33% 0% 54 20 d0(3), d1(2), d2(3), d3(5), d5(3), d6(1), d7(3)
9 1 8 978.266666666667 987.789865941066 91.67% 97% 54 19 d0(3), d1(2), d2(3), d3(5), d5(3), d7(3)
10 47 8 1000 9.8754015441014E-10 100% 97% 37 8 d0(2), d1(1), d2(1), d4(1), d7(2), d8(1)


Time Event
08/31/2013 19:28:45 Processing run 3...
08/31/2013 19:28:45 Changed function + to weight 20.
08/31/2013 19:28:45 Loading data from job file...
08/31/2013 19:28:46 Loading run file... C:\Users\ze\Documents\GeneXproServer 5 Samples\ComplexWorkflow\1.BreastCancer_1\1.BreastCancer_000003.gep
08/31/2013 19:28:46 Initializing run...
08/31/2013 19:28:46 Training Set size: 12
08/31/2013 19:28:46 Dataset loaded.
08/31/2013 19:28:46 Starting...
08/31/2013 19:28:46 Generation: 0 (956.533333333333, 83.33% (10))
08/31/2013 19:28:47 Finished run.
08/31/2013 19:28:47 Models created: 3
08/31/2013 19:28:47 Models: 10
08/31/2013 19:28:47 Last Model: 10
08/31/2013 19:28:47 Generation: 47
08/31/2013 19:28:47 Training Fitness: 1000
08/31/2013 19:28:47 Training Accuracy: 100.00%
08/31/2013 19:28:47 Success
08/31/2013 19:28:47 Loading run file... C:\Users\ze\Documents\GeneXproServer 5 Samples\ComplexWorkflow\1.BreastCancer_1\1.BreastCancer_000003.gep
08/31/2013 19:28:47 Initializing tests for the 2 last models of run...
08/31/2013 19:28:47 Testing model 1 on the Validation Set with 233 records.............
08/31/2013 19:28:47 Testing model 2 on the Validation Set with 233 records.............
08/31/2013 19:28:47 Testing model 3 on the Validation Set with 233 records.............
08/31/2013 19:28:47 Testing model 4 on the Validation Set with 233 records.............
08/31/2013 19:28:47 Testing model 5 on the Validation Set with 233 records.............
08/31/2013 19:28:47 Testing model 6 on the Validation Set with 233 records.............
08/31/2013 19:28:47 Testing model 7 on the Validation Set with 233 records.............
08/31/2013 19:28:47 Testing model 9 on the Validation Set with 233 records.............
08/31/2013 19:28:47 Testing model 10 on the Validation Set with 233 records.............
08/31/2013 19:28:47 Success

Job Summary

Average Best-of-Run Values

Training Validation
Fitness 969.131795232826 638.814674355488
Accuracy 97.97% 97.28%

Best Model

Training Validation
Fitness 1000 994.983841195839
Accuracy 100% 98.28%
Run 3 3
History 8 4
Model 10 4
Size 37 65
Literals 8 25
Variables d0(2), d1(1), d2(1), d4(1), d7(2), d8(1) d0(4), d1(1), d2(3), d3(2), d4(1), d5(2), d6(4), d7(3), d8(5)
Variable Importance d0(0.502763132937366), d1(0.288898143601377), d2(6.71705262165908E-02), d4(7.95043734686166E-02), d7(6.16638237760482E-02), d8(6.99334025031576E-16) d0(0.117414419761626), d1(0.101411500896882), d2(0.187938347459555), d3(1.75017117304293E-02), d4(9.99532986651211E-02), d5(0.219154194970339), d6(4.23487848267816E-02), d7(0.11005352206431), d8(0.104224219624956)

Success Rate

Training Validation
Max. Fitness 1000 1000
Success Rate 33.33% 0%

Job Definition
