…For the new 39 math functions of GeneXproTools, the Visual Basic code is almost an exact clone …
will be added to the built-in math functions of GeneXproTools in the light of the new project "New Project: …
…The new linking functions added to GeneXproTools with this mini-release include a total of 6 …
is the buy-sell-wait function (represented in GeneXproTools as CL3A) described in the post "Function Design: …
function of 2 arguments (represented as AMin2 in GeneXproTools). I didn't talk much about these functions, but …
…give rise to new ways of doing classification in GeneXproTools. For example, the new classifier functions of 2-6 …
Framework and the Classification Framework. GeneXproTools allows you to use the new linking functions both …
…in all modeling categories and core algorithms of GeneXproTools (GEP and GEP-RNC). In this post I'll talk about …
…second genetic operator that we implemented in GeneXproTools for this new project "New Project: Multi-class …
…to release it into the world. The new version of GeneXproTools with all the new features went live yesterday and …
…that were added to the built-in math functions of GeneXproTools with Mini-Release 1 is very similar to both the …
uniformity across all programming languages that GeneXproTools supports. Here's the VB.Net code for all the new …
that are now part of the VB.Net Grammar of GeneXproTools: Function gepRamp1(ByVal …
…functions added to the built-in math functions of GeneXproTools, the Java code is almost an exact clone of the C# …
new math functions added to the Java Grammar of GeneXproTools with v5.0 MR1: double …
…For the Perl code of the new 39 math functions of GeneXproTools, using the PHP code as the starting point seemed …
that were added to the built-in math functions of GeneXproTools 5.0 with Mini-Release 1: sub gepRamp1 { …
…functions added to the built-in math functions of GeneXproTools 5.0 with Mini-Release 1, a good starting point is …
39 new math functions that were implemented in GeneXproTools 5.0 MR1 "Mini-Release I: What's New?": …