Last update: February 19, 2014
Custom Mathematical Functions
GeneXproTools allows you to design your own functions and then add
them to your function set. Custom functions are called Dynamic UDFs or
DDFs in GeneXproTools and they are written in JavaScript.
Custom functions are extremely powerful and interesting tools as they are
treated exactly like the
built-in functions of GeneXproTools and therefore
can be used to model all kinds of relationships between variables or
complex expressions. For instance, you can design a DDF so that it will model
the square of the difference between two expressions, that is,
DDF = [(expression 1) - (expression 2)] * [(expression 1) - (expression 2)],
where the value of each expression will depend on the context of the DDF in
the expression tree. A note of caution, though, although extremely useful,
DDFs decrease considerably the speed of the algorithm and therefore we advise
you to choose your functions from the wide set of GeneXproTools built-in functions.
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