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GeneXproTools Online Guide

Learn how to use the 5 modeling platforms
of GeneXproTools with the Online Guide

Last update: February 19, 2014



This section covers the fundamental steps in the creation of nonlinear regression models in the Regression Platform of GeneXproTools. We’ll start with a quick hands-on introduction to get you started, followed by a more detailed overview of the fundamental tools you can explore in GeneXproTools to create very good predictive models that accurately explain your data.

Hands-on Introduction to Nonlinear Regression

Designing a good nonlinear regression model in GeneXproTools is really simple: after importing your data from Excel/Database or a text file, GeneXproTools takes you immediately to the Run Panel where you just have to click the Start Button to create a model. This is possible because GeneXproTools comes with pre-set default parameters and data pre-processing procedures (including dataset partitioning and handling categorical variables and missing values) that work very well with virtually all problems. We’ll learn later how to choose some of the most basic settings so that you can explore all the advanced tools of the application, but you can in fact quickly design highly sophisticated and accurate models in GeneXproTools with just a click.

Monitoring the Design Process

While the model is being created by the learning algorithm, you can evaluate and visualize the actual design process through the real-time monitoring of different model fitting charts and statistics in the Run Panel, such as different curve fitting charts, the scatter plot, the residuals plot, the correlation coefficient, the R-square and the fitness. Both the correlation coefficient and R-square measure the correlation between the model output and the target (the actual values of the dependent variable).

Model Evaluation & Testing

Then in the Results Panel you can further evaluate your model using different charts and additional measures of fit, such as the mean squared error and the mean absolute error. It’s also in the Results Panel that you can check more thoroughly how your model generalizes to unseen data by checking how well it performs in the validation/test set.

Generating the Model Code

Then in the Model Panel you can see and analyze the model code not only in the programming language of your choice but also as a diagram representation or expression tree. GeneXproTools includes 17 built-in programming languages or grammars for Regression. These grammars allow you to generate code automatically in some of the most popular programming languages around, namely Ada, C, C++, C#, Excel VBA, Fortran, Java, Javascript, Matlab, Octave, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, R, Visual Basic, and VB.Net. But more importantly GeneXproTools also allows you to add your own programming languages through user-defined grammars, which can be easily created using one of the existing grammars as template.

Making Predictions

And finally, in the Scoring Panel of GeneXproTools you can make predictions with your models using the generated Javascript code. This means that you don’t have to know how to deploy the model code to make predictions with your models outside GeneXproTools: you can make them straightaway within the GeneXproTools environment in the Scoring Panel.

GeneXproTools also deploys automatically to Excel individual models and model ensembles using the generated Excel VBA code. More importantly, GeneXproTools allows you to embed the Excel VBA code of your models in the Excel worksheet, thus allowing you to make predictions with your models very conveniently in Excel. In addition, for model ensembles, GeneXproTools also evaluates the average and median models, which are usually more robust and accurate predictors than individual models.

Loading Data

The nonlinear regressors GeneXproTools creates are statistical in nature or, in other words, data-based. Therefore GeneXproTools needs training data from which to extract the information needed to create the models. Data is also needed for validating and testing the generalizability of the generated models. However, validation/test data, although recommended, is not mandatory and therefore need not be used if data is in short supply.

Data Sources & Formats

Before evolving a model with GeneXproTools you must first import the input data into GeneXproTools. GeneXproTools allows you to import data from Excel & databases, text files and GeneXproTools files.

Excel Files & Databases

The loading of data from Excel/databases requires making a connection with Excel/database and then selecting the worksheets or columns of interest. By default GeneXproTools will set the last column as the dependent or response variable, but you can easily set any of the other columns as response variable by selecting the variable of interest and then checking Response in the context menu.

Text Files

For text files GeneXproTools supports three commonly used data matrix formats. The first is the standard Records x Variables (Response Last) format where records are in rows and variables in columns, with the dependent or response variable occupying the rightmost position. In the small example below with five records, PRODUCTION is the response variable and LABOR, MATERIAL, and CAPITAL are the independent or predictor variables:
0.88287491	0.70249262	0.64540872	0.73044339
0.76598265	0.59360711	0.62686264	0.64924032
0.64562062	0.56965563	0.53160265	0.58497820
0.72908206	0.58913859	0.52247179	0.62160041
0.50690655	0.23498841	0.42968111	0.36493144
The second format, Records x Variables (Response First), is similar to the first, with the difference that the response variable is in the first column.

And the third data format is the Gene Expression Matrix or GEM format commonly used in DNA microarrays studies or whenever the number of variables far exceeds the number of records. In this format records are in columns and variables in rows, with the dependent variable occupying the topmost position. For instance, the small dataset above in GEM format maps to:
PRODUCTION 0.73044339 0.64924032 0.5849782 0.62160041 0.36493144
LABOR 0.88287491 0.76598265 0.64562062 0.72908206 0.50690655
MATERIAL 0.70249262 0.59360711 0.56965563 0.58913859 0.23498841
CAPITAL 0.64540872 0.62686264 0.53160265 0.52247179 0.42968111
This kind of format is the standard for datasets with a relatively small number of records and thousands of variables. Note, however, that this format is not supported for Excel files and if your data is kept in this format in Excel, you must copy it to a text file and then use this file to load your data into GeneXproTools.

GeneXproTools uses the Records x Variables (Response Last) format internally and therefore all kinds of input format are automatically converted and shown in this format both in the Data Panel and Scoring Panel.

For text files GeneXproTools supports the standard separators (space, tab, comma, semicolon, and pipe) and detects them automatically. The use of labels to identify your variables is optional and GeneXproTools also detects automatically whether they are present or not. Note however that the use of labels allows you to generate more intelligible code where each variable is clearly identified by its name.

GeneXproTools Files

GeneXproTools files can be very convenient to use as data source as they allow the selection of exactly the same datasets used in a particular run. This can be very useful especially if you want to use the same datasets across different runs.

Loading Data Step-by-Step

To Load Input Data for Modeling

  1. Click the File Menu and then choose New.
    The New Run Wizard appears. You must give a name to your new run file (the default filename extension of GeneXproTools run files is .gep) and then choose Function Finding (Regression) in the Problem Category box and the kind of source file in the Data Source Type box. GeneXproTools allows you to work both with Excel & databases, text files and gep files.
  2. Then go to the Entire Dataset (or Training Set) window by clicking the Next button.
    Choose the path for the dataset by browsing the Open dialog box and choose the appropriate data matrix format. Irrespective of the data format used, GeneXproTools shows the loaded data in the standard Records x Variables (Response Last) format, with the dependent variable occupying the rightmost position.
  3. Then go to the Validation/Test Data window by clicking the Next button.
    Repeat the same steps of the previous point if you wish to use a specific validation/test set to evaluate the generalizability of your models. The loading of a specific validation/test set is optional as GeneXproTools allows you to split your data into different datasets for training and testing/validation in the Dataset Partitioning window.
  4. Click the Finish button to save your new run file.
    The Save As dialog box appears and after choosing the directory where you want your new run file to be saved, the GeneXproTools modeling environment appears. Then you just have to click the Start button to create a model as GeneXproTools automatically chooses from a gallery of templates default settings that will enable you to evolve a model with just a click.

Kinds of Data

GeneXproTools supports both numerical and categorical variables, and for both types also supports missing values. Categorical and missing values are replaced automatically by simple default mappings so that you can create models straightaway, but you can choose more appropriate mappings through the Category Mapping Window and the Missing Values Mapping Window.

Numerical Data

GeneXproTools supports all kinds of tabular numerical datasets, with variables usually in columns and records in rows. In GeneXproTools all input data is converted to numerical data prior to model creation, so numerical datasets are routine for GeneXproTools and sophisticated visualization tools and statistical analyses are available in GeneXproTools for analyzing these datasets.

As long as it fits in memory, the dataset size is unlimited both for the training and validation/test datasets. However, for big datasets efficient heuristics for splitting the data are automatically applied when a run is created in order to ensure an efficient evolution and good model generalizability. Note however that these default partitioning heuristics only apply if the data is loaded as a single file; for data loaded using two different datasets you can access all the partitioning (including the default) and sub-sampling schemes of GeneXproTools in the Dataset Partitioning Window and in the General Settings Tab.

Categorical Data

GeneXproTools supports all kinds of categorical variables, both as part of entirely categorical datasets or intermixed with numerical variables. In all cases, during data loading, the categories in all categorical variables are automatically replaced by numerical values so that you can start modeling straightaway.

GeneXproTools uses simple heuristics to make this initial mapping, but then lets you choose more meaningful mappings in the Category Mapping Window.

In regression problems, dependent categorical variables are handled exactly as any other categorical variable, that is, the categories in the response variable are also converted to numerical values using user-defined mappings. For example, a dependent variable with nominal ratings such as {Excellent, Good, Satisfactory, Bad} can be easily used in regression with the mapping {4, 3, 2, 1}.

The beauty and power of GeneXproTools support for categorical variables goes beyond giving you access to a sophisticated and extremely useful tool for changing and experimenting with different mappings easily and quickly by trying out different scenarios and seeing immediately how they impact on modeling. Indeed GeneXproTools also generates code that supports data in exactly the same format that was loaded into GeneXproTools. This means that all the code generated both for external model deployment or for scoring internally in GeneXproTools, also supports categorical variables. Below is an example in C++ of a regression model with both numeric and categorical variables.
// Regression model generated by GeneXproTools 5.0 on 30/09/2013 22:13:39
// GEP File: D:\GeneXproTools\Version5.0\Tutorials\Ships_01.gep
// Training Records:  23
// Validation Records:   11
// Fitness Function:  RMSE
// Training Fitness:  148.500317993407
// Training R-square: 0.849634893453356
// Validation Fitness:   122.344713713537
// Validation R-square:  0.836687811518917

#include "math.h"
#include "string.h"

double gepModel(char* d_string[]);
double gep3Rt(double x);
double gepMin2(double x, double y);
void TransformCategoricalInputs(char* input[], double output[]);

double gepModel(char* d_string[])
    const double G2C7 = 3.88461470412305;
    const double G2C2 = 3.02102725302896;
    const double G2C3 = -6.35242774742882;
    const double G3C3 = -9.52146977141636;

    double d[4];
    TransformCategoricalInputs(d_string, d);

    double dblTemp = 0.0;

    dblTemp = atan(((pow((d[3]+d[3]),2)-(d[2]*d[3]))-pow(pow(d[1],2),2)));
    dblTemp += (tanh(gepMin2((d[0]*d[0]),(d[0]+G2C3)))-(gepMin2(G2C7,d[1])-(1/(G2C2))));
    dblTemp += ((1-gep3Rt((d[1]-G3C3)))+gep3Rt(((d[3]+d[3])+(d[3]+d[3]))));

    return dblTemp;

double gep3Rt(double x)
    return x < 0.0 ? -pow(-x,(1.0/3.0)) : pow(x,(1.0/3.0));

double gepMin2(double x, double y)
    double varTemp = x;
    if (varTemp > y)
        varTemp = y;
    return varTemp;

void TransformCategoricalInputs(char* input[], double output[])
    if(strcmp("A", input[0]) == 0)
        output[0] = 1.0;
    else if(strcmp("B", input[0]) == 0)
        output[0] = 2.0;
    else if(strcmp("C", input[0]) == 0)
        output[0] = 3.0;
    else if(strcmp("D", input[0]) == 0)
        output[0] = 4.0;
    else if(strcmp("E", input[0]) == 0)
        output[0] = 5.0;
    else output[0] = 0.0;
    output[1] = atof(input[1]);
    output[2] = atof(input[2]);
    output[3] = atof(input[3]);

Missing Values

GeneXproTools supports missing values both for numerical and categorical variables. The supported representations for missing values consist of NULL, Null, null, NA, na, ?, blank cells, ., ._, and .*, where * can be any letter in lower or upper case.

When data is loaded into GeneXproTools, the missing values are automatically replaced by zero so that you can start modeling right away. But then GeneXproTools allows you to choose different mappings through the Missing Values Mapping Window.

In the Missing Values Mapping Window you have access to pre-computed data statistics, such as the majority class for categorical variables and the average for numerical variables, to help you choose the most effective mapping.

As mentioned above for categorical values, GeneXproTools is not just a useful platform for trying out different mappings for missing values to see how they impact on model evolution and then choose the best one: GeneXproTools generates code with support for missing values that you can immediately deploy without further hassle, allowing you to use the exact same format that was used to load the data into GeneXproTools. The sample MATLAB code below shows a regression model with missing values in one of the 7 input variables:
% Regression model generated by GeneXproTools 5.0 on 30/09/2013 22:23:45
% GEP File: C:\Program Files (x86)\GeneXproTools 50\SampleRuns\FuelConsumption.gep
% Training Records:  266
% Validation Records:   132
% Fitness Function:  RMSE
% Training Fitness:  253.127376240256
% Training R-square: 0.860954120511674
% Validation Fitness:   281.473613314204
% Validation R-square:  0.888630466311617

function result = gepModel(d_string)

G1C2 = 11.7306457692547;
G1C9 = 10.1207905979348;
G2C9 = -5.87226147303003;
G2C2 = -6.51227957976928;
G3C7 = -6.07706286567996;
G4C7 = 1.008820245674;

d = TransformCategoricalInputs(d_string);

varTemp = 0.0;

varTemp = ((((((1/(d(7)))+d(7))/2.0)*((G1C2+d(5))/2.0))+min(exp(d(1)),((G1C9+d(6))/2.0)))/2.0);
varTemp = varTemp + gep3Rt((d(6)+(((d(1)+d(2))*(G2C2+d(5)))/(d(6)/G2C9))));
varTemp = varTemp + ((((d(6)-((d(6)/G3C7)^2))/d(3))^2)^2);
varTemp = varTemp + (((gep3Rt(d(7))*(d(6)-d(2)))-(d(7)*d(3)))*reallog((G4C7^2)));

result = varTemp;

function result = gep3Rt(x)
if (x < 0.0),
    result = -((-x)^(1.0/3.0));
    result = x^(1.0/3.0);

function output = TransformCategoricalInputs(input)
output(1) = str2double(input(1));
output(2) = str2double(input(2));
switch char(input(3))
    case '?' 
        output(3) = 105.858778625954;
        output(3) = str2double(input(3));

output(5) = str2double(input(5));
output(6) = str2double(input(6));
output(7) = str2double(input(7));

Normalized Data

GeneXproTools supports different kinds of data normalization (Standardization, 0/1 Normalization and Min/Max Normalization), normalizing all numeric input variables using data statistics derived from the training dataset. This means that the validation/test dataset is also normalized using the training data statistics such as averages, standard deviations, and min and max values evaluated for all numeric variables.

Data normalization can be beneficial for datasets with variables in very different scales or ranges. Note, however, that data normalization is not a requirement even in these cases, as the learning algorithms of GeneXproTools can handle unscaled data quite well. But since it might help, GeneXproTools allows you to see very quickly and easily if normalizing your data improves modeling: if not, also as quickly, you can revert to the original raw data.

It’s worth pointing out that GeneXproTools offers not just a convenient way of trying out different normalization schemes. As is the case for categorical variables and missing values, GeneXproTools generates code that also supports data scaling, allowing you to deploy your models confidently knowing that you can use exactly the same data format that was used to load the data into GeneXproTools. Below is a sample code in R of a regression model created using data standardized in the GeneXproTools environment.
# Regression model generated by GeneXproTools 5.0 on 5/20/2013 4:52:05 PM
# GEP File: D:\GeneXproTools\Version5.0\OnlineGuide\ConcreteStrength-Std_01.gep
# Training Records:  687
# Validation Records:   343
# Fitness Function:  Positive Correl
# Training Fitness:  902.425484649759
# Training R-square: 0.814371755345348
# Validation Fitness:   910.563337228454
# Validation R-square:  0.829125591104619

gepModel <- function(d)
    G1C5 <- -9.56011932737205
    G1C8 <- -8.63162785729545
    G2C3 <- 1.49617681508835
    G3C1 <- 2.18332468642232
    G3C6 <- -2.90885921811579
    G3C7 <- 1.75264748069704
    G4C8 <- 1.12216559343242
    G6C5 <- -3.60847804193243

    d <- Standardize(d)
    dblTemp <- 0.0

    dblTemp <- exp(((min(((G1C8+G1C8)/2.0),(d[4]+d[7]))-(d[8]*d[8]))-G1C5))
    dblTemp <- dblTemp + (d[8]/((G2C3+d[8])/2.0))
    dblTemp <- dblTemp + ((G3C1+(tanh(G3C7)*d[1]))+((tanh(d[8])+(G3C6-d[5]))/2.0))
    dblTemp <- dblTemp + (d[2]-(1-((((min(d[5],d[6])+(d[7]*G4C8))/2.0)+((d[6]+d[1])/2.0))/2.0)))
    dblTemp <- dblTemp + atan(d[5])
    dblTemp <- dblTemp + ((gep3Rt(d[8])+max(((d[6] ^ 2)-(1-G6C5)),(d[1]+d[3])))/2.0)

    dblTemp = Reverse_Standardization(dblTemp)

    return (dblTemp)

gep3Rt <- function(x)
    return (if (x < 0.0) (-((-x) ^ (1.0/3.0))) else (x ^ (1.0/3.0)))

Standardize <- function (input)
    AVERAGE_1 = 280.949490538574
    STDEV_1 = 102.976876719742
    input[1] = (input[1] - AVERAGE_1) / STDEV_1

    AVERAGE_2 = 73.3764192139738
    STDEV_2 = 85.4464915167598
    input[2] = (input[2] - AVERAGE_2) / STDEV_2

    AVERAGE_3 = 55.0788937409025
    STDEV_3 = 64.0807915707749
    input[3] = (input[3] - AVERAGE_3) / STDEV_3

    AVERAGE_4 = 181.878602620087
    STDEV_4 = 21.7339765533138
    input[4] = (input[4] - AVERAGE_4) / STDEV_4

    AVERAGE_5 = 6.12983988355168
    STDEV_5 = 5.93069279508886
    input[5] = (input[5] - AVERAGE_5) / STDEV_5

    AVERAGE_6 = 973.916593886463
    STDEV_6 = 76.777259058253
    input[6] = (input[6] - AVERAGE_6) / STDEV_6

    AVERAGE_7 = 771.181804949053
    STDEV_7 = 79.7070075911026
    input[7] = (input[7] - AVERAGE_7) / STDEV_7

    AVERAGE_8 = 45.2823871906841
    STDEV_8 = 64.9243023773916
    input[8] = (input[8] - AVERAGE_8) / STDEV_8

    return (input)

Reverse_Standardization <- function(modelOutput)
    # Model standardization
    MODEL_AVERAGE = 0.836965914165358
    MODEL_STDEV = 1.73854230290885
    modelOutput = (modelOutput - MODEL_AVERAGE)/MODEL_STDEV

    # Reverse standardization
    TARGET_AVERAGE = 35.49461426492
    TARGET_STDEV = 16.3004798384353

    return (modelOutput * TARGET_STDEV + TARGET_AVERAGE)

It’s also worth pointing out that for regression problems with a continuous response variable, the response variable is also normalized. For model deployment this also requires the reverse-normalization of the model output of the generated models, which GeneXproTools implements in all the code generated for model scoring. Note, however, that on the charts and tables for model visualization and selection within GeneXproTools, the raw “normalized” model output (not really normalized, but generated to match normalized actual values) is shown, as it is usually compared with the normalized response variable.

An interesting and useful application of this normalization/reverse-normalization technique in regression problems is that, with normalized data, the fitness functions strictly based on correlations between predicted and actual values (R-square, Bounded R-square, Positive Correl and Bounded Positive Correl), work just like any other fitness function in the sense that the model output is brought back to scale by the reverse-normalization function. This might prove advantageous for problems where higher R-square values are easier and faster to achieve with an R-square-like fitness function than with any other function. The reason for this lies in the fact that R-square-like fitness functions measure only correlation, allowing evolution to take place over a richer unconstrained fitness landscape.


Through the Dataset Partitioning Window and the sub-sampling schemes in the General Settings Tab, GeneXproTools allows you to split your data into different datasets that can be used to:
  • Create the models (the training dataset or a sub-set of the training dataset).
  • Check and select the models during the design process (the validation dataset or a sub-set of the validation dataset).
  • Test the final model (a sub-set of the validation set reserved for testing).
Of all these datasets, the training dataset is the only one that is mandatory as GeneXproTools requires data to create data models. The validation and test sets are optional and you can indeed create models without checking or testing them. Note however that this approach is not recommended and you have indeed better chances of creating good models if you check their generalizability regularly not only during model design but also during model selection. However if you don’t have enough data, you can still create good models with GeneXproTools as the learning algorithms of GeneXproTools are not prone to overfitting the data. In addition, if you are using GeneXproTools to create random forests, the need for validating/testing the models of the ensemble is less important as ensembles tend to generalize better than individual models.

Training Dataset

The training dataset is used to create the models, either in its entirety or as a sub-sample of the training data. The sub-samples of the training data are managed in the Settings Panel.

GeneXproTools supports different sub-sampling schemes, such as bagging and mini-batch. For example, to operate in bagging mode you just have to set the sub-sampling to Random. In addition, you can also change the number of records used in each bag, allowing you to speed up evolution if you have enough data to get good generalization.

Besides Random Sampling (which is done with replacement) you can also choose Shuffled (which is done without replacement), Odd/Even Cases (particularly useful for time series data), and different Top/Bottom partition schemes with control over the number of records drawn either from the top or bottom of the dataset.

All types of random sampling can be used in mini-batch mode, which is an extremely useful sampling method for handling big datasets. In mini-batch mode a sub-sampling of the training data is generated each p generations (the period of the mini-batch, which is adjustable and can be set in the Settings Panel) and is used for training during that period. This way, for large datasets good models can be generated quickly using an overall high percentage of the records in the training data, without stalling the whole evolutionary process with a huge dataset that is used each generation. It’s important however to find a good balance between the size of the mini-batch and an efficient model evolution. This means that you’ll still have to choose an appropriate number of records in order to ensure good generalizability, which is true for all datasets, big and small. A simple rule of thumb is to see if the best fitness is increasing overall: if you see it fluctuating up and down, evolution has stalled and you need either to increase the mini-batch size or increase the time between batches (the period). The chart below shows clearly the overall upward trend in best fitness for a run in mini-batch mode with a period of 100.

The training dataset is also used for evaluating data statistics that are used in certain models, such as the average and the standard deviation of predictor variables used in models created with standardized data. Other data statistics used in GeneXproTools include: pre-computed suggested mappings for missing values; training data constants used in Excel worksheets both for models and ensembles deployed to Excel; min and max values of variables when normalized data is used (0/1 Normalization and Min/Max Normalization), and so on.

It’s important to note that when a sub-set of the training dataset is used in a run, the training data constants pertain to the data constants of the entire training dataset as defined in the Data Panel. For example, this is important when designing ensemble models using different random sampling schemes selected in the Settings Panel.

Validation Dataset

GeneXproTools supports the use of a validation dataset, which can be either loaded as a separate dataset or generated from a single dataset using GeneXproTools partitioning algorithms. Indeed if during the creation of a new run a single dataset is loaded, GeneXproTools automatically splits the data into Training and Validation/Test datasets. GeneXproTools uses optimal strategies to split the data in order to ensure good model design and evolution. These default partition strategies offer useful guidelines, but you can choose different partitions in the Dataset Partitioning Window to meet your needs. For instance, the Odds/Evens partition is useful for times series data, allowing for a good split without losing the time dimension of the original data, which obviously can help in better understanding both the data and the generated models.

GeneXproTools also supports sub-sampling for the validation dataset, which, as explained for the training dataset above, is controlled in the Settings Panel.

The sub-sampling schemes available for the validation data are exactly the same available for the training data, except of course for the mini-batch strategy which pertains only to the training data.

It’s worth pointing out, however, that the same sampling scheme in the training and validation data can play very different roles. For example, by choosing the Odds or the Evens, or the Bottom Half or Top Half for validation, you can reserve the other part for testing and only use this test dataset at the very end of the modeling process to evaluate the accuracy of your model.

Another ingenious use of all the random sampling schemes available for the validation set in the Regression Platform (Random and Shuffled) consists of calculating the cross-validation accuracy of a model. A clever and simple way to do this, consists of creating a run with the model you want to cross-validate. Then you can copy this model n times, for instance by importing it n times. Then in the History Panel you can evaluate the performance of the model for different sub-samples of the validation dataset. The average value for the fitness and favorite statistic shown in the statistics summary of the History Panel consist of the cross-validation results for your model. Below is an example of a 30-fold cross-validation evaluated for the training and validation datasets using random sampling of the respective datasets.

Test Dataset

The dividing line between a test dataset and a validation dataset is not always clear. A popular definition comes from modeling competitions, where part of the data is hold out and not accessible to the people doing the modeling. In this case, of course, there’s no other choice: you create your model and then others check if it is any good or not. But in most real situations people do have access to all the data and they are the ones who decide what goes into training, validation and testing.

GeneXproTools allows you to experiment with all these scenarios and you can choose what works best for the data and problem you are modeling. So if you want to be strict, you can hold out part of the data for testing and load it only at the very end of the modeling process, using the Change Validation Dataset functionality of GeneXproTools.

Another option is to use the technique described above for the validation dataset, where you hold out part of the validation data for testing. For example, you hold out the Odds or the Evens, or the Top Half or Bottom Half. This obviously requires strong willed and very disciplined people, so it’s perhaps best practiced only if a single person is doing the modeling.

The takeaway message of all these what-if scenarios is that, after working with GeneXproTools for a while, you’ll be comfortable with what is good practice in testing the accuracy of the models you create with it. We like to claim that the learning algorithms of GeneXproTools are not prone to overfitting and now with all the partitioning and sampling schemes of GeneXproTools you can develop a better sense of the quality of the models generated by GeneXproTools.

And finally, the same cross-validation technique described above for the validation dataset can be performed for the test dataset.

Choosing the Function Set

GeneXproTools allows you to choose your function set from a total of 279 built-in mathematical functions and an unlimited number of custom functions, designed using the JavaScript language in the GeneXproTools environment.

Built-in Mathematical Functions

GeneXproTools offers a total of 279 built-in mathematical functions, including 186 different if then else rules, that can be used to design both linear and nonlinear regression models. This wide range of mathematical functions allows the evolution of highly sophisticated and accurate models, easily built with the most appropriate functions. You can find the description of all the 279 built-in mathematical functions available in GeneXproTools, including their representation here.

The Function Selection Tools of GeneXproTools can help you in the selection of different function sets very quickly through the combination of the Show options with the Random, Default, Clear, and Select All buttons plus the Add/Reduce Weight buttons in the Functions Panel.

User Defined Functions

Despite the great diversity of GeneXproTools built-in mathematical functions, some users sometimes want to model with different ones. GeneXproTools gives the user the possibility of creating custom functions (called Dynamic UDFs and represented as DDFs in the generated code) in order to evolve models with them. Note however that the use of custom functions is computationally demanding, slowing considerably the evolutionary process and therefore should be used with moderation.

By selecting the Functions Tab in the Functions Panel, you have full access to all the available functions, including all the functions you've designed and all the built-in math functions. It's also here in the Functions Panel that you add the custom functions (Dynamic UDFs or DDFs) to your modeling toolbox.

To add a custom function to your function set, just check the checkbox on the Select/Weight column and select the appropriate weight for the function (the weight determines the probability of each function being drawn during mutation and other random events in the creation/modification of programs). By default, the weight of each newly added function is 1, but you can increase the probability of a function being included in your models by increasing its weight in the Select/Weight column. GeneXproTools automatically balances your function set with the number of independent variables in your data, therefore you just have to select the set of functions for your problem and then choose their relative proportions by choosing their weights.

To create a new custom function, just click the Add button on the Dynamic UDFs frame and the DDF Editor appears. You can also edit old functions through the Edit button or remove them altogether from your modeling toolbox by clicking the Remove button.

By choosing the number of arguments (minimum is 1 and maximum is 4) in the Arguments combobox, the function header appears in the code window. Then you just have to write the body of the function in the code editor. The code must be in JavaScript and can be conveniently tested for compiling errors by clicking the Test button.

In the Definition box, you can write a brief description of the function for your future reference. The text you write there will appear in the Definition column in the Functions Panel.

Dynamic UDFs are extremely powerful and interesting tools as they are treated exactly like the built-in functions of GeneXproTools and therefore can be used to model all kinds of relationships not only between the original variables but also between derived features created on the fly by the learning algorithm. For instance, you can design a DDF so that it will model the log of the sum of four expressions, that is, DDF = log((expression 1) + (expression 2) + (expression 3) + (expression 4)), where the value of each expression will depend on the context of the DDF in the program.

Creating Derived Features/Variables

Derived variables or new features can be easily created in GeneXproTools from the original variables. They are created in the Functions Panel, in the Static UDFs Tab.

Derived variables were originally called UDFs or User Defined Functions and therefore in the code generated by GeneXproTools they are represented as UDF0, UDF1, UDF2, and so on. Note however that UDFs are in fact new features derived from the original variables in the training and validation/test datasets. Like DDFs, they are implemented in JavaScript using the JavaScript editor of GeneXproTools.

These user defined features are then used by the learning algorithm exactly as the original features, that is, they are incorporated into the evolving models adaptively, with the most important being chosen and selected according to how much they contribute to the performance of each model.

Choosing the Model Architecture

In GeneXproTools the candidate solutions or models are encoded in linear strings or chromosomes with a special architecture. This architecture includes genes with different gene domains (head, tail, and random constants domains) and a linking function to link all the genes. So the parameters that you can adjust include the head size, the number of genes and the linking function. You set the values for these parameters in the Settings Panel -> General Settings Tab.

The Head Size determines the complexity or maximum size of each term in your model. In the heads of genes, the learning algorithm tries out different arrangements of functions and terminals (original & derived variables and constants) in order to model your data. The plasticity of this architecture allows the creation of an infinite number of models of different sizes and shapes. A small number of these models (a population) is randomly generated and then tested to see how well each model explains the data. Then according to their performance or fitness the models are selected to reproduce with some minor changes, giving rise to new models. This process of selection and reproduction is repeated for a certain number of generations, leading to the discovery of better and better models.

The heads of genes are shown in blue in the compact linear representation (Karva notation) of the model code in the Model Panel. This linear code, which is the representation that the learning algorithms of GeneXproTools use internally, is then translated into any of the built-in programming languages of GeneXproTools (Ada, C, C++, C#, Excel VBA, Fortran, Java, JavaScript, Matlab, Octave, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, R, Visual Basic, and VB.Net) or any other language you add through the use of GeneXproTools custom grammars.

More specifically, the head size h of each gene determines the maximum width w and maximum depth d of the sub-expression trees encoded in each gene, which are given by the formulas:

w = (n - 1) * h + 1

d = ((h + 1) / m) * ((m + 1) / 2)

where m is minimum arity (the smallest number of arguments taken by the functions in the function set) and n is maximum arity (the largest number of arguments taken by the functions in the function set).

GeneXproTools also allows you to visualize clearly the model structure and composition by showing the expression trees of all your models in the Model Panel.

Thus, the learning algorithm selects its models between the minimum possible size (which is a model composed only of one-element trees) and the maximum allowed size, fine-tuning the ideal size and shape during the evolutionary process, creating and testing new features on the fly without human intervention.

The number of genes per chromosome is also an important parameter. It determines the number of fundamental terms or building blocks in your models as each gene codes for a different sub-expression tree (sub-ET). Theoretically, one could just use a huge single gene in order to evolve very complex models. However, by dividing the chromosome into simpler, more manageable units gives an edge to the learning process and more efficient and elegant models can be discovered this way.

Whenever the number of genes is greater than one, you must also choose a suitable linking function to connect the mathematical terms encoded in each gene. GeneXproTools allows you to choose addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, average, min, and max to link the sub-ETs. As expected, addition, subtraction and average work very well for virtually all problems but sometimes one of the other linkers could be useful for searching different solution spaces. For example, if you suspect the solution to a problem involves a quotient between two big terms, you can choose two genes linked by division.

Choosing the Fitness Function

For Regression problems, in the Fitness Function Tab of the Settings Panel you have access to a a total of 49 built-in fitness functions, most of which combine multiple objectives, such as the use of different reference simple models, lower and upper bounds for the model output, parsimony pressure, variable pressure, and many more.

Additionally, you can also design your own custom fitness functions and explore the solution space with them. By clicking the Edit Custom Fitness button, the Custom Fitness Editor is opened and there you can write the code of your fitness function in JavaScript.

The kind of fitness function you choose will depend most probably on the cost function or error measure you are most familiar with. And although there is nothing wrong with this, for all of them can accomplish an efficient evolution, you might want to try different fitness functions for they travel the fitness landscape differently: some of them very straightforwardly in their pursuits while others choose less travelled paths, considerably enhancing the search process. Having different fitness functions in your modeling toolbox is also essential in the design of ensemble models.

Exploring the Learning Algorithms

GeneXproTools uses two different learning algorithms for Regression problems. The first – the basic gene expression algorithm or simply Gene Expression Programming (GEP) – does not support the direct manipulation of random numerical constants, whereas the second – GEP with Random Numerical Constants or GEP-RNC for short – implements a structure for handling them directly. These two algorithms search the solution landscape differently and therefore it might be a good idea to try them both on your problems. For example, GEP-RNC models are usually more compact than models generated without random numerical constants.

The kinds of models these algorithms produce are quite different and, even if both of them perform equally well on the problem at hand, you might still prefer one over the other. But there are cases, however, where numerical constants are crucial for an efficient modeling and, therefore, the GEP-RNC algorithm is the default in GeneXproTools. You activate this algorithm in the Settings Panel -> Numerical Constants by checking the Use Random Numerical Constants checkbox. In the Numerical Constants tab you can also adjust the range and type of constants and also the number of constants per gene.

The GEP-RNC algorithm is slightly more complex than the basic gene expression algorithm as it uses an additional gene domain (Dc) for encoding the random numerical constants. Consequently, this algorithm includes an additional set of genetic operators (RNC Mutation, Constant Fine-Tuning, Constant Range Finding, Constant Insertion, Dc Mutation, Dc Inversion, Dc IS Transposition, and Dc Permutation) especially developed for handling random numerical constants (if you are not familiar with these operators, please use the default Optimal Evolution Strategy by selecting Optimal Evolution in the Strategy combobox as it works very well in all cases; or you can learn more about the genetic operators in the Legacy Knowledge Base).

Exploring Different Evolutionary Strategies for an Efficient Learning

Predicting unknown behavior efficiently is of course the foremost goal in modeling. But extracting knowledge from the blindly designed models is also extremely important as this knowledge can be used not only to enlighten further the modeling process but also to understand the complex relationships between variables.

So, the evolutionary strategies we recommend in the GeneXproTools templates for Regression reflect these two main concerns: efficiency and simplicity. Basically, we recommend starting the modeling process with the GEP-RNC algorithm and a function set well adjusted to the complexity of the problem.

GeneXproTools selects the appropriate template for your problem according to the number of independent variables in your data. This kind of template is a good starting point that allows you to start the modeling process straightaway with just a mouse click. Indeed, even if you are not familiar with evolutionary computation in general and Gene Expression Programming in particular, you will be able to design complex regression models (both linear and nonlinear) immediately thanks to the templates of GeneXproTools. In these templates, all the adjustable parameters of the default learning algorithm are already set and therefore you don’t have to know how to create genetic diversity, how to set the appropriate population size, the chromosome architecture, the number of constants, the type and range for the random constants, the fitness function, the stop condition, and so forth. Then, as you learn more about GeneXproTools, you will be able to explore all its modeling tools and create quickly and efficiently very good regression models that will allow you to understand and model your data like never before.

So, after creating a new run you just have to click the Start button in the Run Panel in order to design a regression model. GeneXproTools allows you to monitor the evolutionary process by giving you access to different model fitting charts, including different curve fitting charts, scatter plots and residual plots. Then, whenever you see fit, you can stop the run (by clicking the Stop button) without fear of stopping evolution prematurely as GeneXproTools allows you to continue to improve the model by using the best model thus far (or any other model) as the starting point (evolve with seed method). For that you just have to click the Continue button in the Run Panel to continue the search for a better model. Alternatively you can simplify or complexify your model by clicking either the Simplify or Complexify buttons.

This strategy has enormous advantages as you might choose to stop the run at any time and then take a closer look at the evolved model. For instance, you can analyze its mathematical representation, its performance in the validation or test set, evaluate essential statistics and measures of fit for a quick and rigorous assessment of its accuracy, see how it performs on a different test set, and so on. Then you might choose to adjust a few parameters, say, choose a different fitness function, expand the function set, add a neutral gene, apply parsimony pressure for simplifying its structure, change the training set for model refreshing, and so on, and then explore this new set of conditions to further improve the model. You can repeat this process for as long as you want or until you are completely satisfied with your model.

See Also:

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Last modified: October 7, 2013

Cite this as:

Ferreira, C. "Regression." From GeneXproTools Documentation – A Gepsoft Web Resource.

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